Muh buddios, obsessees and pimps
If you don't know who the above title is referring to....then get the hell away
from my website you dirty whores! Go eat some spaghettios and call me in the morning.
I'm not shure if they're hamsters...but I love'em |
*Sings and dances and pretends I'm a hamster thinger* |
Mikey! Here's my buddio with his pimpin specs lol. (Told ya
I'd put your pics to good use =]) You just wait til we get to go to taco bell and klepto ALL the sporks =]...are we supposed
to be this messed up or are we just really lucky? lol Well, either way, call me sometimes, else the Queen of Jamaica will
let loose the magical flying mice of death...this guy chris has one...it likes to gnaw on my figner. Ahh! I loves yous hun!